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sorry sold :(
- no good? - no one else said they had issues?
- no good? - no one else said they had issues?
Testing the water - more ~deets to follow:
Mid 80s Colnago steel track bike (not drilled),
~56cm c-c seatube,
Colnago raked steel fork (not drilled)
Suntour superbe pro's on mavic open pro's,
shimano600/ultegra cranks, 53t middleburn ring x 16t miche cog.
Vittoria rubino-pro rubber clinchers,
Cinelli track bar (~40cm wide),
Cinelli ~100mm stem,
Tange 1" threaded headset,
*Black bar tape,
*Brooks colt leather saddle,
*no wheel reflectors :)All good condition - some use, but not much, not dents, bends or any deep scratches.
(See Old pics attached)
Will get proper sizing and spec up this week.
(offers :)
Thanks for looking.
(equivalent superchrono trainer retails around 250quid)