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Due to a lovely hit and run by a BMW, my pride and joy Benotto commuting fixie has a properly buggered frame. It's really just for gettting to and from work, so i just need a fairly decent but cheap as chips frame to whack all the bits on. 56 or 58 cm. Help me out and I'll show you my stitches if you like.
What gets me about Danny MacAskill is that he makes it look so damn easy. I'm not in a million years saying I could do 0.1% of what he does, but ultimately an ability to hop, balance and overcome fear, suss out a nice line and it just flows so easy. What I mean is, it doesn't. The guy's a genius and the most impressive thing about it is the seeming lack of effort.
it's also a bit of a flaw of his in a way. because it looks so easy and he's done so many videos, it doesn't look quite as impressive anymore. even though it is. impressive.
chicks dig scars. hopefully
and I'm tempted...