Most recent activity
- |³|MA3K
- Oliver Schick
- Theoryswine
- Brother
- Sumo
- ms.chris
- laner - if i dont do a longer ride
- Fox
- ian (conker)
- Spudger
- Roymund
- ziska
- Cafewanda (weather dependent)
- nneil
- brakerino
- joe smiff
- atticus
- kattiep
- al2307
- sherbertflyingsaucer
- Truli (representing North drinks)
- hartxander
- ffub
- Nigel182
- Heïdi Stiglitz
- somebody
- Ark Minor
- vonnie
- VanessaP
- fixiebelle
- Gav86
- dimi333
- iluvsunshine
- polowannabe
- Samuelson
- BrainScraper
- half a dozen flatbread (6 pita)
- Yeti
Don't really know anyone but sick of just riding about on my own.
- |³|MA3K
- Mechamorgan
- Basha1978
- simpson79
- Darwin
- Tiswas (will pick up from ECCS tomorrow possibly)
- Sharkstar
- dave409787
- ive2dogs
- BleakReference
- rcardi (post post - Buckaroo
- d0cA
- DynamicalSystem
- ilovefightingwithcats
- JesusMary&Joseph
- Plastic Pedals
- magnus jetski
- jackevans (post)
- Hugo7 - money sent by paypal - posted pls
- N3lson (post) [paid]
- Nic (pickup in london)
26 PICKED UP - 4dots (pickup in london)
- Slangen (post to Sweden)
- Digger (will ask Tiswas to pick up mine)
- teenslain (I'll drop by the shop and grab it) Sorry Damo, I forgotz...
- Poodles (pickup in London)
- Cujo101 (undibs)
- Wharry (Have asked dave409787 to pick mine up.)
- reeen (pickup from the shop)
- Mikeyboi4 (pickup in London)
- JapeS (pickup in London)
- Prole Art Threat (postage)
- harold - pickup
- Lasmo - pickup in London
- Andyfallsoff - London pickup
- thisismycostume
- punkture - London pickup
- damo (shop pickup or i'll ask teenslain nicely) collected
- Landslide (postage)
- Cheesecake Intl - SE1 Pickup?!
- Branwen - post please
- Fourteen Winters (London Pickup)
- metalfaceofdoom. (post)
- mc_nebula (post please)
- Slaytanic
- hamsandwich
54.TommyThunder - .A.
- stachaibou
- Noorkoiv
- BlueQuinn (I'll be at wednesday's BFF art show)
- Lynx bff art show too.
-----reserve list-----
- Mr Lunch. (london pickup)
- hazzus (london pickup)
- The Caped Crusader (post to Portugal if possible)
- anubis(pickup in london)
- loafheads (pick up london)
- nneil
- VanUden (pick up London)
- casablanka (pick up london)
- dandandan (pick up in London)
- Eightball (post to UK)
- wilsyzy (london pickup)
- harrong (london pick up)
- Yeti (london pick up)
- Mechamorgan
2nd dibs on ITM super 330 if I can do London pick up this week.