Avatar for Jamie_B


Member since Jul 2010 • Last active Apr 2024
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  • in Midweek Evening Rides (TNRC, WNKR)
    Avatar for Jamie_B

    TNRC Deluxe MkIII 'The Brut Route' 26th October 2010

    board train 23:15 approx at waterloo
    alight at effingham junction approx 00:00 hrs
    ride the hills of surrey that the TNRC know so well then bridge the gap to the hills over in kent that the TNRC know so well and then ride to a cafe for breakfast ( purple MJ you need to pm me about the cafe asap )
    rough mileage 80. rough time 6 hrs

    we will try to do the deluxe style of riding as a close knit pack. this is going to be a tough night. it is not a race but a chance for everyone to help each other achieve one of the most grueling rides of the season. yeah i know some dumb fuck is going to tell me that they rode up ventoux and the stelvio in the same day but trust me this is going to be a hard ride and it is also a celebration of the end of the season. There will be gathering points, it will still be a good idea to be able to look after yourself if god forbid anybody should get lost.

    1 Clintsmoker

    1. Jonny
    2. arducius
    3. wools
    4. skive
    5. Fussballclub
    6. Jamie_B
    7. BMMF

    I want to see a big list, regardless of weather reports. This ride deserves to be massive. Oh yeah: take the next day off work.

  • in Midweek Evening Rides (TNRC, WNKR)
    Avatar for Jamie_B

    Tuesday 12th October 2010 - The "Herts, Minds, & Beds " Ride

    39 mile loop from Welwyn Garden City. Previously billed as 'fast and open', 1 climb at halfway point.

    Route here

    Train 1 Out - Kings Cross @ 19h18, arr WGC 19h46 (recommend you wait for 2nd group at WGC)

    Train 2 Out - Kings Cross @ 19h34, arr WGC 19h57

    Last Return Train - WGC @ 00h09

    £5 for Groupsave4, £6.60 for Groupsave3.

    1. BMMF (groupsave4, please)
    2. furious tiles (train, possible ride back if I take a half day Wed)
    3. middleofnowhere
    4. fussballclub
    5. jonny
    6. clintsmoker

    7. scarysneeze
    8. wools
    9. jaygee (with beer)
    10. skive
    11. smiff
    12. Gustav
    13. breeze

    14. Des
    15. Sasmon
    16. Serk
    17. Jamie_B [ack from the US]
  • in Midweek Evening Rides (TNRC, WNKR)
    Avatar for Jamie_B

    TNRC Tuesday 17th August 2010. The Widowmaker Surrey http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=3508515

    list then trains. Just annotate if train or ride out. 3 climbs. 2 respectable honest ones and 1 disrespectful dishonest son of a bitch 18% 800m climb. If you don't think you can make it round in time for the last train 2 and three quarter hours approx, then don't put your name down. If you get lost and you don't have a map and we don't find you because there is patchy phone reception at best, then enjoy the scenery.

    1.clintsmoker (train)

    1. tika (train)
    2. marcom (train)
    3. middleofnowhere (train)
    4. Sean but only if it's raining (train)
    5. Sam (meet you there)
    6. BMMF (train)
    7. Gustav (train)
    8. damo (train)
    9. tiles (train)
    10. wools (train)
    11. Des (train)
    12. jamie (train)
  • in Midweek Evening Rides (TNRC, WNKR)
    Avatar for Jamie_B


        **TNRC Tuesday 3/8/10 Kent II**

    32 Miles:http://www.bikemap.net/route/260779

    Lots of train options!!!

    19h12 from Blackfriars (arr Otford 20h07)
    19h15 from Charing X (arr Sevenoaks 19h48 - then ride, or catch 20h02 to Otford, arr 20h08)
    19h37 from Victoria (arr Otford 20h12)

    Last train home from Otford 23h16

    Off-peak return £9.20, groupsave4 £4.60, groupsave 3 £6.20ish.

    any newbs get in contact for info on lights, tubes and riding etiquette etc
    word up from the off - there will be a ride leader and gathering points so be aware and try not to go solo on this one

    **if you have a preferred departure station, please put it after your name on the list - might be subject to change**

    1. clintsmoker (any)
    2. mashton (Victoria, Charing X, Blackfriars)
    3. Bainbridge (Victoria, Charing X, Blackfriars)
    4. wools (Victoria, Charing X, Blackfriars)
    5. bmmf (cx)
    6. jonny
    7. damo (in order, Victoria, Charing X, Blackfriars)

    8. fussball (Victoria)
    9. tika (Charing Cross, then Blackfriars)
    10. jenny j (Victoria)
    11. Friday (Charing Cross, then Blackfriars )
    12. Miss Attack (Victoria)
    13. jamieB (Victoria)

    14. Serk (Blackfriars Please)
    15. Des (Char X or Vic plse)
    16. furious tiles (Victoria)
    17. Gustav
    18. jaygee (Char X or Vic)
    19. teddy (blackfriars)
    20. dj (victoria)

    21. 6pt (Charing X/Blackfriars)
    22. claus (CharingX/Victoria)

    23. -------------------------------------------- CAPPED ---------------------------------------------
      ride outs
    24. andyp
    25. sam
    26. braker
    27. jamie
  • in Midweek Evening Rides (TNRC, WNKR)
    Avatar for Jamie_B


    Post number three - gets me out of the nursery ...

  • in Midweek Evening Rides (TNRC, WNKR)
    Avatar for Jamie_B

    Have no train ticket at the moment - but there was mention above that someone had a ticket that s/he was not able to use .....

  • in Midweek Evening Rides (TNRC, WNKR)
    Avatar for Jamie_B


    1. Clintsmoker
    2. Jonny
    3. Wools
    4. Fussball
    5. diapo
    6. tika
    7. Des
    8. Jamie