Avatar for Bruce_Robbins


Member since Jul 2010 • Last active Jan 2013
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  • in Current Projects
    Avatar for Bruce_Robbins

    Love what you're doing with the Humber. There are loads of old roadsters around but your bike will be pretty unique. I might have been tempted to just varnish the stripped frame.

  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for Bruce_Robbins

    I came across your post while searching for some bike-related info in Google. Did you manage to get the parts needed to build up your dad's bike? If not, I could probably supply most of what you're needing at prices a bit less than you'd find on Ebay. I've been collecting vintage bikes for quite a few years but I've decided to pack it in as I have far too many projects and not enough time to get things done. Please feel free to contact me at brucerobbins at hotmail dot co dot uk.

