Avatar for Mufa_Wear


Member since Jul 2010 • Last active Nov 2010
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    I might be interested in ordering something as part of a bulk buy but any ideas what the delivery chargers are now?

    (so I can guesstimate what I might be paying)

    I can't seem to find out on the website - might be being useless.

    Well, it's not you, it's us :-) It's not quoted on the site, as it's calculated automatically when you add items to the cart. It depends on the price of the item, but (in the real world) on the weight.

    For you guys, we can wait for the list to fill up, and then we'll weigh the stuff you order, and check the actual shipping cost. Shipping is via priority mail, so it's delivered in 3-4 working days.


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    Hey guys,

    We've just checked our today's hits, and found this thread here. It's mighty nice you like our stuff! Let us know if you decide to make a bulk order - I'm sure we'll manage to negotiate a deal satisfactory to all of us. As for the shipping cost - we try to make shipping charges as low as possible, we don't make money there, as we're other people's customers too, and we hate it when we see unreasonable shipping charges...

    Bib shorts? Not planning those yet ;-)

    As fo the WRST - well, yes, you have to take it off to lock the bike but that's what the snap is for. Anyway, it's obviously not meant for the serious, heavy user (like messengers) who locks the bike a few dozen times a day.

