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Member since Jul 2010 • Last active Jul 2010
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    Haha sorry :S Well as i said, im just trying to gain more knowledge, and all these answers have helped me so much... im not trying to change cyclists clothing, but for those that, like 'the seldom killer' said want to get off their bike and not look like a cyclist for their other duties sometimes, i think there should be 'everyday' clothing with cycling components?

    Anyway, i dont want to offend anyone. Just simply want some knowledge on this area and as i have found, the variety of people that cycle.



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    Thanks for all the info, i honestly just wanted more knowledge on the cycling scene. Im not about to create a huge fashion show on fashion based cycling clothing. Im actually just looking for what cyclists need in their clothing to perform, but not look like someone in spandex. Im sure most people can understand that? Thanks for all the answers, they're great, 'object' - i have sent these questions to blogs, other forums etc etc... im trying to get an overview of the whole scene...Thanks again


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    Thanks for these everyone they are so helpful!! Keep them coming!

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    Haha, sorry i just thought you guys would be the best people to ask? I am trying to improve clothing for cyclists so thought this would be benefial for most people?? Thanks for that 'EHREN_FRIED_CHICKEN'

    Terri :)

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    Hi Guys,

    Im Currently in the process of completing a brief for the boom in cycling fashion clothing. I wondered if you could help me out a bit?

    Please help me out and answer these couple of questions!! These forums are great and no-one knows there stuff like you guys!

    1. What is your favourite cycling brand? Why?

    2. What do you look for in your cycling clothing?

    3. What is your favourite cycling accessory?

    4. If you could invent anything to make cycling everday easier, what would it be?

    5. What does cycling mean to you? Is it just travel? Or is it a fashion accessory?

    Any more comments you think would help would be much appreciated.

    Thankyou so much for your time and if it would be easier to email me with the answers then go ahead!

    Thanks again!

