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Member since Jun 2010 • Last active Jul 2010
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    Like bam-bam's example - I love seeing melt downs online funniest thing ever - just take a deep breath before you type - it's like drink dialling, always a bad idea.

    Anyone got any porn to post? doing night shifts and could do with rubbing out over some hot steel, if ya get me.

    I wasn't aware it was a melt down. I am merely a product of this forum and diligently trying to follow the unwritten rules.
    I did enjoy the comebacks though, you've always been an extremely funny bunch.

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    Yeah, but if I'm gunna go out, it might as well be in a blaze of shit. Over it.

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    You register less than 2 weeks ago and haven't yet progressed out of the nursery and yet think you've earned the right to talk to someone else like this?

    You're brave.

    Yep, I have, OR it's the residual hatred I've absorbed over the past 5 months of reading this thread from your first post to this latest knob posting a readers wife, now I've finally made it to the end, I'm angry as it also seems that the thread has lost its mojo.
    Being that it was you that started this thing, give me some direction, oh creator (also, how many postings do I have to make before I can hate just like everyone on here?)
    BTW I'd explain myself as "special" - no further proof needed. Window-licker is too complicated i.e. interaction with a window required.

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    Ironically it sits and operates perfectly - there was never any 'issue' - it was a post build recommendation from someone I know. It's not caused a problem maybe I should remove it to be 'purer'. Didn't expect so much flaming...

    For what it's worth Sheldon Brown has been the inspiration and go-to-person...

    You can talk to the dead?
    Ironically, you've posted your own build into the porn thread, hence the flaming, now take your medicine and fuck right off, cunt.

  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for bam_bam

    the-rules/ rule no.44

    What happened to rules 13, 43, 47 and 53?
