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Member since Jun 2010 • Last active Sep 2012
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    I cycle 6 days per week even sometimes 7 days a week. I do a 16 mile round commute, it takes me 40 minutes to ride one way. I have been commuting by bike for about year and half but don't seem to be able to improve my commute time and I don't seem to be getting any fitter. i have had good look around the forum and the inetrnet but I can't find any useful tips to improve my ride.

    Does anyone have any tips?

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    Avatar for torch1972

    No further than you maybe but probably further than their own legs could have carried them in a given time.

    You're effectively boasting that you're faster than other people because you can do the same journey in the same time and have a rest in the middle. You are not better than anyone else. These people are merely misguided.

    I am no where near the fastest person on a bike so I will not be boasting about that. But you do have a point maybe theses poor people are just slow.

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    This week I have seen two different type of repeat RLJ:

    Type 1
    I followed this RLJ on the way home, as we stop at red light this chap gets off his bike then walks across the junction though the moving traffic to the other side gets back on his bike and cycles off, this happened at every set of traffic lights. Did his RLJ get him any further down the road than me? No

    Type 2
    This guy thought he was a racer but did not like when anyone followed him. So to stop people following him at any crossroads with traffic lights that were red he jump on to the pavement ride across the ped crossing on to pavement then back on the road. Did his RLJ get him any further down the road than me? No

    Its amazing the need to get somewhere is just so strong people that they do stupid things but most of the time it gets them no further down than me.

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    I have been doing the morning commute for the past few weeks and its as a general rule the slower someone rides their bike the more likely they are to do dangerous riding getting in front of all the faster rides in the ASL, undertaking everything and RLJ.

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    This is not a race but on my late night commute home a youth on a MTB slides up beside me graps the barrier to stop. So this youth with no brakes, no lights and wearing black decides he is going to race me. Now I am nearly home so I cooling down and just cruising. But this youth is on and off the path and pedaling like mad. I lost him for half a mile (i say lost i had not changed speed) then he appear on the path next to me on the road then pedaling like mad then he gives me as if to say I am man!

    At which point I change gear and leave him far behind.

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    Because of my work patterns its been the first week in 3 months since I have done the morning commute and I have forgottern how many dumb cyclist ride to work. They don't look behind them when changing lane, overtaking to close each other then cutting in too quickly, ASL box I must be at the front madness, RLJ pedestrian crossing when people are crossing and undertaking buses in traffic when the bus is clearly they are going to pull into a bus stop then shout at the bus driver. They giving us cyclist a bad name.

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    Avatar for torch1972

    As it is April, has anyone every seen anyone riding a Gocycle Electric bike?

    Forget the cost what you ride a Gocycle Electric bike?**

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    Yes rents can be high in London but I know lots of examples of business (students taking over empty shop to sell art or fashion) and events (warehouses being change into artist studios/galleries) that take over an empty spaces on very good deals because a landlord’s prefer to have some rent than no rent. You just need to ride around London to see the boarded up and empty buildings.

    You only really need a space for the workshop and power supply with could be any type of building. Find an empty building and find friendly commercial landlord because there is nothing to lose.

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    Good idea but Hackney Bikeworkshop do something for folk in the Hackney area.
