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Member since May 2010 • Last active Jul 2010
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    true but the person locking the above bike could have saved a minimum of the frame and rear wheel (including tire and tube) which are two of the most expensive pices of a bike. instead they lost the whole lot bar a stripped wheel.

    IMO chance had nothing to do with 90% of this loss...

    You're right. Today I added up the stuff on my bike that it is impossible to chain somehow, that anyone with set of allens can steal, and it is a staggering amount. You don't realize when you spend a few bucks here and there for a seat or handlebar or a stem or a light how much it mounts up.

    I have no quick releases on my bike anymore, not one. But now I'm wondering if I should splash out for a couple of boxes of security fasteners, you know, those that require a special oddsided bit to undo, to replace the allen bolts on the accessories.

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    Easy to see the reasons about spammers and so on, but I'd guess most people would spend more than 24 hours on a site before joining it. Just sitting in the Classifieds forum for a few hours looking at the photos, waiting for a wanted item to come up, is already an education in components.

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    To lock everything removable on a bike would require lugging half a ton of chain... You gotta take your chances at some point, even if it only losing your bell.

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
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    Is there a way of securing the document so that it cannot be copied other than by typing it out again word for word.
    I was also thinking of something like a watermark on each page to identlfy it's source.

    Get a page layout programme. A free, simple on will do. Create large text and/or an image for the "watermark", make it all pale red, and put it on the page as an illustration. Run the text in over this (switch of the default "runaround" for the underlying image/text) in separate columns. Make the whole document a PDF.

    MSWord, at least in some versions on the Mac that I know of, will also let you lock documents with a password. Check the options.

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    Hi, once again, I'm embarrassed to be starting this thread but grips. But I'm struggling to find any that suit my colour scheme of a light bluey-green and white bike with a honey Brooks saddle. Brooks make some but I'm not overly enamoured with them.

    I have the Brooks grips and love them. They're very comfortable. But they won't stay honey long. Mine are honey and went brown the moment I appied neatsfoot oil. Anyway, the leather is edge-on and unprotected and all kinds of dirt can get in. Mine are pretty dark brown now from colour rubbed off my black leather riding gloves. The only way to keep them honey is apply no protection and not to use/handle/sweat on them; same applies to seat.

    So, if maintaining the colour is important to you, that's another reason not to have the Brooks grips. Still, like the Brooks seats, it is almost impossible to think of anything more comfortable.
