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Member since Apr 2010 • Last active Jun 2013
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  • in Complete bikes and frame & forks
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    Might be interested if still unsold, what has the price dropped to? And is it factory spec aside from the wheelset...?

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    Lessmann, sorry to hear about your loss. I know all about that pain well mate.

    I live not too far from Notting Hill and am always around there. I also have a thing for Focus bikes. I own a 2007 Izalco Expert. Beautiful.

    So I'll DEF keep my eyes peeled. Chances are of course, that ironically, NHill is probably the last place on the planet you can expect to see it now.

    Have to agree with one of the comments though. No way a bike that beautiful should be left on the streets...

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    Hey, this is my first post too. I have a 2008 Flyer, the white one with carbon forks. I love the new paintjob but would hate to ride with a steel fork. Get some new carbon ones. And I agree with everyone else, the scum will be back, probably incredulous that you have an even shinier prize on offer.

    I've had 3 bikes nicked in total, so I don't underestimate their ingenuity, the little buggers. A few months ago, My Dahon Speed Pro foldie was locked up outside Bayswater Waitrose with a big New York D-Lock. They somehow dismantled the frame by the hinge joint and walked off with it, putting it back together at their leisure later. Lock was intact of course, I still use it.

    Even if they can't make off with your bike, (unlikely if they have boltcutters), they'll wreck it in some way to take out their frustration. Seriously scratch the paint, rip up the bar tape/saddle or something.

    Gotta find a solution man, you're a sitting duck. Good luck.
