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Member since Apr 2010 • Last active May 2019
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    I've always found cloud 9 on store street very good

  • in LFGSS Ladies
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    I didn't realise how far away they are. Drat

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    The more info I see the sadder it makes me.

    I missed the owl ride last time. Could we maybe do another owl ride to the barn owl centre or another sanctuary?

  • in LFGSS Ladies
    Avatar for HigginsWillDoIt

    Yeah, my initial excitement at seeing the word OWL has been severely diminished. The more I read the more it sounds like a really horrid thing to do.
    Hopefully the petition will get it stopped.

  • in LFGSS Ladies
    Avatar for HigginsWillDoIt

    Also very interesting to see the Change petitions breakdown of what the evenings would be like. I didn't see that info anywhere before.
    50 people for two hours, then another group etc, and being able to actually tough them ? That's utter madness.
    That's just downright cruel.
    from the website and press I would not have expected that kind of a set up at all.

  • in LFGSS Ladies
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    Interesting to see that someone thinks they know some of the owls in question and that theit owner wouldn't want to participate. And very worrying.

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    Anyone looking to sell a SS beater, round the 50-52 size?

  • in LFGSS Ladies
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    True. And although I'm not convinced that cats are solitary creatures (at least mine isn't. He loves people and other cats) it doesn't seem right to me to have so many of them in one small property. That twinned with lots of different people traipsing in and out would surely by quite stressful.

  • in LFGSS Ladies
    Avatar for HigginsWillDoIt

    I do think it's madness. I don't think there's enough detail on it. I'm not applying for tix because I don't have enough info on owl well being.
    However, if it gets people thinking about owls and conservation then that's a plus side.
    I don't know quite how I feel about it. I just saw owls and got excited.

    There are already a crap load of weird cafes out there. Like the cat cafe. Surely all the cats are just going to hide. I would.
