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Member since Apr 2010 • Last active Apr 2010
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    whooops completely ignore that. why isn't there a delete post button?

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    isnt that on teh single speed side???
    with only one brake.
    he cant skid regardless

    there's a cheeky little brake poking out the front

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    jesus christ, some people here really need to get off their pedestal....
    firstly, his english isn't great, but hey, not everyone is 'fortunate' enough to be as middle-class as you are, okay?
    secondly, his tone is very reasonable in the post; he is merely putting across his point of view and common observances, some of which are probably true of a lot of those people who do what he does, so it would be good for all of us to take note of what, although not ideal, is reality, instead of insulting him and trying to come up with an adequate cyclist's defence for every point he makes.
    Drivers are no more often in the wrong than cyclists are... many people here, myself included, know that we behave far differently on the road when we are on a bike than we do when we are driving. We think we have a right to do certain things....

    The best thing we can do here is take note of what is going on in reality, have some mutual understanding, and try to avoid more deaths/injuries. This is far more productive than passionately advocating for some kind of commuter utopia where 'good' always prevails...

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    is the image not loading properly or did you only take a pic of the top tube?

    as daft as it sounds, the latter... it wasn't meant to be a bike pic but it's the only picture i have with my bike in it. Also, the bottom half is so astoundingly brilliant that I didn't want to show off.

  • in Rides & Races
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    anyone going out in the late afternoon/evening sun today? it's about time it stopped raining

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    have been reading these forums for ages but due to moderately embarrassing bike haven't signed up until now.

    anyway, here she (half) blows. i think 'honest' is the word... all i've done is take all the dérailleurs off and attach some orange handlebar tape VERY BADLY.

    From North to West to East to North

    would be great to see some of you around town
