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Member since Mar 2010 • Last active Dec 2015
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    Why aren't people calling 999(assuming you aren't) its an accident and they left the scene and you have registration. Also registrations of any witnesses I hope.

    Sorry hope that doesn't come across as shitty and hope your not scuffed up too bad, but I'm suprised sometimes by the almost non reaction of the injured parties on here.

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    Thanks guys a couple of really good points.

    I've not made my mind up on anything yet, and was really asking the questions here so if necessary someone on here can tell me to stop being ungrateful or ask for more or take the money and run... Rather than me upset anyone who has been generous enough to discuss it with us and be open to helping us.

    To address a couple of points.

    Renting bikes, if we get them at 30% and sell say 6 weeks later we may potentially make a profit rather than a cost so hadn't really thought about renting.

    Discount... Again they aren't offering a discount of their normal price this is what they sell the bikes at if my local bike store ordered 5 bikes from them this is what they would pay.

    I have no plans to play them off against one another, I just wanted to voice my thoughts and get some feedback/suggestions.

    Thanks all

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    Thanks all but I think some may be misunderstanding.

    The first offer is from a manafacturer who are offering them to us at the price they normally sell at which is 30% below retail but isn't a discount on what they normally sell at.

    My thought issue was that whilst grateful for that if we went with the other option and bought and gave any publicity to the lbs that would in effect buy them at retail for us and hand them over at no profit then it might be better. Or should we go back to manafacturer and push for more.

    Whilst some may say this represents a cheap holiday or whatever. Each individual will certainly be spending more personally than we would be if this were not happening. We also plan to sell the bikes afterwards and give proceeds to the charity.

    It's about trying to make as much for the charity as possible.

    Not saying we won't have fun though ;)

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    Just a quick question as I'm unsure if my reaction is either extremely rude and ungrateful or extremely fair.

    Me and 4 friends are doing a charity cycle run next year over 2 weeks and we need new bikes so we approached a few manufacturers to see if they would be interested in discounting bikes for us to use in return for (admittedly very local only probably) advertising.

    We got an offer from one that was just under 30% off which is very nice of them.
    But I then found out through speaking to my local bike shop that in effect the offer they gave us is what they sell to shops for, so if we wanted he would get them and offer them to us at cost and we could post his shop as supplier of the bikes(its probably what we will do).

    But we have a meeting with the manufacturer and I kind of want to ask for a bigger discount as they aren't actually discounting THEIR usual selling price..

    What does anyone think?

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    hopefully it isnt or is?? their old van!?

    pic of new one and company info here - http://www.homelessinmaidstone.org.uk/fft.htm

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    pushing him off his bike is a pretty douche move though.

    id imagine umbrella through front spokes would be less douchey

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    maybe someone with twitter can respond directly to them?

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    Ito some extent I think speeding cameras and in fact speed limits don't really help.

    As a driver on a typical road with fields either side no properties, playing fields or schools that is about 3 or 4 miles long having seen speed limit drop from 60 to 40 and a year or so later a camera placed just after a light bend to the left.

    This is a road that has had no speed related accidents(I have lived nearby) you as a driver would I guess start to feel a little targeted unnecessarily .

    As a cyclist I'd prefer that people drive at a speed suitable to the road itself and the conditions.

    simply doing 45 in a 40 in the middle of the day in good conditions with minimal traffic is much less of an issue than doing 30 miles an hour at night in wet condition in a built up area.

    I don't know what the solution IS in fairness, but as a competent and responsible driver speed limits are useful if I don't know the road but I don't trust them particularly in terms of them setting a safe speed to travel.and I will speed if road conditions and my knowledge of the road mean I feel it is safe.
