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Member since Mar 2010 • Last active Mar 2010
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  • in Birmingham
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    Sorry chaps, got to Selly Oak and almost got blown off my bike. felt a bit wobbly, bottled it and came home! pathetic, I know. hopefully next time.

  • in Birmingham
    Avatar for oGaZm

    not sure. there's a Facespaz page though if you wanted to check. there seem to be lot's of Manchester connections with some of them so maybe they wanted to attend both....

  • in Birmingham
    Avatar for oGaZm

    Ok, well I'm off to Moseley for a leisurely ride before the rain/sleet starts again. might see you there later if it doesn;t rain. is it that shady looking place up Highgate?

  • in Birmingham
    Avatar for oGaZm

    no, not yet. and apologies if I sounded like a dick in my last post.

    I've been stuck behind it once a few months ago on the way to the Blues and wondered what was going on. I'm sick and tired of the cycle lanes in Brum and hoped I could help raise awareness. is it worth going? I'm not normally keen on demo's etc but the state of the roads is pretty shocking in places.

    I'm also angry about the quality of driving, the amount people drive, drivers' lack of awareness of cyclists, sharing of bus lanes with buses (who's idea was that) and the fact that I rode from Cologne to Amsterdam without EVER riding on the road - it was proper, designated cycle paths for 260miles!! They even have their own signage and lights ffs!

  • in Birmingham
    Avatar for oGaZm

    I assume he means "would it make any difference what day it is on as long as there is a Brum representation at a Critical Mass event".

  • in Birmingham
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    lol doesn't mean lot's of love :s

  • in Birmingham
    Avatar for oGaZm

    lol, of course not. but it does mean the jet-setters amongst us can get to more than one per month. paris, san fran....the choice is yours ;)

  • in Birmingham
    Avatar for oGaZm

    Easy there. I've never played polo before but it looks like good (dangerous) fun. I'm bored as I've just been made redundant. If there's somethign going on tonight I'd like to cycle up and see what happens. Never played before but would be interested to see if I could do it? Is there anything on?

  • in General
    Avatar for oGaZm

    @edscoble: I've been round and confirmed with a neighbour that a guy matching his description (black guy in a very white part of the city) lives there and a car matching the description is often there. Unfortunately the car was not there and he told me it wasn't his anyway. Hence I can't imagine it's insured. I might pop down to the cop-shop later and find out what's going on as it's been a month. They're dragging there feet and I reckon it's something to do with the off-duty copper who saw it and got the car reg wrong.

    I was just reading those links when you posted that. Could be an option but I'm Brum based so might not be of help. Cheers, I'll report back when I've talked to PC Lazy-fooker.

  • in Birmingham
    Avatar for oGaZm

    I'll be there on Friday.

    Will reserve judgement until then but will go with an open mind.
