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Member since Mar 2010 • Last active Nov 2010
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  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
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    How easy is it to get married in New York on the spur of the moment?

    You can turn up at the Clerks office and register, then they give you 48 hours to cool off and think about if its really what you want, then you go back and sign on the dotted line. It can be that easy.
    From what i understand though, the Clerks office would be a bit like getting married in your local HSBC.

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
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    we started planning an august wedding at the beginning of this year, It soon took on a life of its own and a budget we couldn't keep up with. So we stripped it right back down to us two, and a couple of friends going to New York and tying the knot over there. The friends were chosen on the basis that its their birthdays whilst we're over there as well as ours.
    I'm pretty sure I'll never regret doing it this way, and its completely stress free.

  • in Brighton
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    I thought I'd ask in here as there's not going to be a sub-sub-forum, but is there anyone in here from around Worthing way?

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
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    Wow! saw the front page of The Express on a website earlier and thought it must have been photoshopped - but no .... here it is

  • in Brighton
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    I'll be riding back from the shops as well, got one for that?

  • in Brighton
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    you looking for a* particular* lampost or something?

    I wasn't - but if you can recommend a really good one? (preferably with sea views)

  • in Brighton
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    I'm planning on having a ride into Brighton on Saturday from Worthing as i need to buy a nice pair of trousers.
    any tips on the safest places to lock my bike up?

  • in Brighton
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    Saturday afternoon - Lancing Beach, where they've set that fair up. Saw someone headed in the direction of Brighton along the bike path. Think it was a red and white bike with straight bars, ridden by a tall looking fella, riding with a girl on a nice town bike.
    I was coming the opposite way also riding with a girl on a nice town bike.

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
    Avatar for paperclip

    I had this a year or so ago. It was horrible, I thought i might be able to overpower the metallic taste with beer but it didn't work. Just made my drink taste like crap.
    It only lasted about 24 hours for me.
