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Member since Mar 2010 • Last active Dec 2024
  • 3 conversations

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  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
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    Look t the guys doing it the 60s 70s 80s not sure whts marketable bout tht, wht bout Smo ,Tong n iji

    Well one to England, the B's were completely outplayed/dominate

    Keybor is ropping letters everywhere, I'm not hving gret night. Poo

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  • in Bikes & Bits
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    Yeah, the Swift is pretty nice, I am rather fond of it.

    As for the 27.5 v 29 in downhill issue, this has been done to death, fast guys gunna be fast on anything.

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    And something newish.

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    Following on from the Singular theme, here's mine taken a few years back.

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
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    Yeah fair call, dismissive is fair, and I'm obviously not a fan, but yapping up about RWC19 already just stinks of drumming up a bit of publicity,

    Hes already talking up a ENG v AB final, How about we get next years game out of the way first.

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    I'm painting him as neither a failure or lucky, he deserved his appointments when McQueen left and obviously has a massive talent at motivating his personal, but, like you implied above this massive shift in style that isn't really being supported by the clubs and that every team he's been in charge of blows up ( because he's so demanding) because of the micro management tends to think that 2019 is a long ways off.

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
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    Well done Ireland.

    Eddy has always been the successor of good coaches and has run those teams into relatively mediocrity (Brumbies, Wallabies) He's good at the verbal and Cheicka took the bait waaayyy too easily.

    Jut scored tickets for the 2 & 3 tests in July. Stoked.

  • in Rides & Races
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    That is a fucken ingenious way of getting the better half to carry the growlers home.
