Avatar for spen666


Member since Mar 2010 • Last active Nov 2013
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  • in Rider Down
    Avatar for spen666

    It is always tragic when anyone loses their life in an accident.

    It was an unwelcome reminder to me that exactly 5 years ago tonight I was knocked off at virtually the same spot (give or take 30 yards) and ended up off work for 3 months as a result of my injuries.

    Keep safe out there everyone

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
    Avatar for spen666

    In my ignorance I thought the rule (the law???) was that empty cabbies could NOT use the bus lane, only cabbies with paying passengers could. Nevertheless I see tons of passenger-free cabbies on bus lanes... am I wrong? is that kosher?

    I've never heard this interpretation before.

    My understanding is that if it is a taxi ( not mini cab) it is generally allowed in most bus lanes irrespective of fare paying passengers on board or not

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
    Avatar for spen666

    Do I have to invite me forum neighbours round for coffee before I can borrow a cup of sugar and their lawn mower?

  • in Cycle Touring and Bikepacking
    Avatar for spen666

    If Flying Virgin to Newark from Heathrow - not the morning flight is a code share and operated by Continental who have different rules on bikes to Virgin :(

  • in Rider Down
    Avatar for spen666

    It matters little at this stage the cause, the thoughts go the the victims/ families today.

    Hopefully a full police investigation will follow and the car driver identified if they are to blame
