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Member since Mar 2010 • Last active May 2010
  • 1 conversations

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  • in Cambridge
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    I've spent ages reading about, and nothing really tells you what "riding a fixed gear bike in Cambridge and it's surrounding villages with shallow inclines" is really like. If people didn't start new threads every time they had a question that wasn't exactly the same as similar ones asked before it, the internet would be a tiny place, with a lot of sterile and generic information. The beauty of asking discussion boards is just that; discussions (sometimes) ensue, and different answers are given, enriching the knowledge base available.

    I appreciate your taking the time to answer, and apologise for creating a few more kilobytes of unnecessary information. I read a few technical forums where people really do just visit one subsection of the board, and so people from the Cambridge Social group might have never read the Mechanic board, or vice versa.

  • in Cambridge
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    To ask people local to Cambridge specifically about gearing choices.

    Is it really that much of a problem? I'm sure the internet won't stop.

  • in Cambridge
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    I'm converting an old 10 speed to fixed, and I was going for 42/15 and 42/16 on a fixed wheel hub.

    For those more experienced does that sound good for Cambridge?

  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for kitsunegari

    You'll definitely need locknuts - are you confusing them with lockrings?
    I could well be doing!

    Cheers everyone for the info.

    'search' button is your friend
    Every forum I've posted on there's always one. The search button on most forums isn't great, it isn't infallible and it often produces a lot of crap.

  • in Cambridge
    Avatar for kitsunegari

    I row at City, or at least am still a member, not rowed since my car accident..

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    I have just gotten a bicycle with horizontal dropouts off the Bay. I'm going to strip it and convert it to my first fixed gear bike. I'm not too knowledgeable other then giving my bikes a regular service.

    I live in Cambridge and it's very flat with slight inclines, so I figured 42/15 would do, I think I'll get a 16 on the other side as well. I'm not sure whether to go 1/8" or 3/32". With double fixed do I need to get locknuts? When wheels are marked as 32h, what does that mean?

    I was after some recommendations for wheels, as I will need new ones. I see Mavic mentioned a lot, I'm after black wheels (cosmetic importance!), are they good? I've also seen that the Halo Aeros are reasonably priced on Ebay.Or should I look elsewhere?


  • in Wanted Adverts
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    Could some kind person explain to an idiot the difference between Tubular/Clincher?

  • in Announcements, Help & Testing
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    I've passed the requirements stage but am still unable to post new topics, do I need to email an admin?

  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
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    Whenever I change my inner-tube/tyres (fairly regularly) I clean the wheels.
