Most recent activity
Awesome day today, slightly achey legs from the polo geared ride but totally worth it. Thanks to Winnie for organising it and thanks Ed (some of those kids were hating your left handed ways)!
I'll be back for another session soon, might start thinking of some different drills, kids love drills (maybe).
Thanks to you we have another outlet for the kids of Penge. 8.45 this morning I received a reminder to make some mallets from two of yesterdays attendees. Awesome...let's hope they continue.
Thanks again.
Facebook says 1:30pm, here says 2:30pm...
Yup I know, facebook is an a*&^! Everytime I write 2.30 it rewrites it with its own start and end time. Go figure!! I will be there cleariing the court of debris from about 1 ish.
Wicksie - Like you, finding time is impossible. I'm hoping to attempt at making some mallets sunday am.
Hi, sorry for the delay, have been waiting for the Parks people to get back to us. We've decided to push on anyway as we have to use the money we've been offered or lose it.
We would like to run three sessions before April. Utilising the last three Sundays of March (13th,20th,27th). And then we would like to follow this up with three more sessions when the weather gets a littler warmer to attract those who only venture out at such times. Would anybody be available to coach/facilitate o any of the days noted? Penge is friendly with warm pubs for apres polo activities.
Wicksie, I could pop down at 1ish to pick up the balls! I have 4 or 5 small mallets. The kids from last week have been in all week badgering me about Polo! You guys made an impression