Most recent activity
Thorn - you're first in line for the frame and cranks, you have a PM coming.
cbass/tomraymont - 2nd & 3rd dibs noted, I'll get in touch if Thorn falls through.
Wicksie - bps-dfp has already PM'd about the saddle, but if he falls through its all yours.
Lor - never got a PM from you, let me know if you're still interested in the stem.
DistortAmp - the drops are available, but Thorn is first in line for the cranks.
ps: I'm away cycling the Danube for 9 days from Friday so anyone who wants parts etc has to get in by Thursday or not mind waiting for a bit.
I've finally had to admit that this frame is just too small for me, so its up for sale.
SOLD - It's a Denti frame, sizing is 53cm st & tt ctc. It comes with a matching Chris King headset, Gipimme Sprint bottom bracket and no-name seatpost. Looking for £180 all up. Please note that I've come off this bike twice (due to rider error) and as such the paint work isn't as pristine as it could be. I've tried to show this in the attached pictures. - SOLD.
I also have for sale a bunch of misc parts:
- A set of Sugino Mighty Competition road cranks (set-up with a single chainring) and a 3/32nd rear cog with a KMC 3/32nd chain. £60 - SOLD
- A pair of Nitto B123AA track drops (40cm), these come with a pair of soyo grips. £40
- A Brooks B17 ladies version. £15 - SOLD
- 1 no-name threaded stem 8cm. £5
- 1 Kalloy threaded stem 10cm. SOLD
I work just off Tottenham Court Road and can drop off any parts within zone 1, except for the frame. Viewing is welcome, although you need to trek to Greenwich to do so.
I've tried to show any significant marks on any of the parts and the frame, but if you have any further questions just let me know.
- A set of Sugino Mighty Competition road cranks (set-up with a single chainring) and a 3/32nd rear cog with a KMC 3/32nd chain. £60 - SOLD
- Oliver DisSc hickt Line
- LoverpoolStreet23
- Howrad Michello
- cani Street Station
- MarlybOWEN R(ee)d
- mmccannon st.
- Crispiccadilly Circus
- Zane Chorleywood
- LaLiLuLeLondon Underground
- Truli's Hill Gate
- Simonw7sisters
- Fulham bROBway
- Mongrelybone
- Woolsden Green
- Latimmeehh! Road.
- Joebilee Line smith
- braker street
- richiembankment
- bikeS NOT ALLOWED destroyer
- 4Plaistow
- lardboyke Grove
- Par(ty_paul)sons Green
- Psy-cle Line
- Strip My Moorgate
- Middleofnowhereton Crescent
- JACKFLAshadwell
- SHAWditch...
- AlDgAte Place
- AlDgAte East (the boyfriend)
- victoria libre
- BlueQueensway.
- upstartminster
- St CrazyJames's Park
- blind dan (i can't really make a good tube analogy with my username)
- allensea
- Golders Hugreen ( and I mean that most sincerely folks)
- Kirtburn Park
- david H
- Nurse Holloway Road
- Hauska (+ Bird)
- timmy and the lords of the underground
- Chadwell
- Brother's Lane
- Mornington Crishen(t)
- Dalston Someday
- David Sexual Ealing Broadway
- Hanged_Upminster
- Crimphamson Junction
- Hakiney downs
- Ivandaterripol street
- StepAmy Green
- arniham common
- leystons888ne
- marcola
- KRingZ cross
- Skullyer's Wood
- Russellkibeats Square - First timer, whoooohooo
- Cutty Sarkthroat
- richokingsbury
- velogate.
- izgardam common
- Mansion Haus
- Actony Town
- bowroadieanddoyle
- Digstrict Line
- Antonzi
- Babarican
- kisu_shimo Green
- Isle of 2 dogs (now called Canary Whoof)
- EvansWare Road
- Afternoonington Crescent
- Rabroke Grove
- owee
- t-4003
- PontoonDuck
- St Juji's Park (might bring a friend too)
- Goldjawk Road
- Bayveoswater
- Marcabene
- R_dy
- mAIDA vale
- okwithmydecay
- High Street kattiepington
- yourtottenhamcourtroadlover
- CTML + 1
- Ricocheteé +1
- Cameronbury
- 1GearGunnersbury
- JOGGERhithe tunnel
- Tom of All_the_way Road
- crivens
- Vurt
Looking forward to my first forum ride :)
Wicksie - bps-dfp is one person and he's said he's fine with the saddle being the ladies version. you could try PM'ing him and see if he'll relent?