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Member since Jan 2010 • Last active Jan 2010
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    Avatar for london_plonker

    This sounds fun if you are used to your bike then there shouldn't be any problems. A proper touring bike makes more sense but I rode from Munich to Belgrade last year on a fix with a small tent but no cooking gear. Also when I switched to freewheel I found it a real drag.

    I would suggest keeping it ultra light - bungeed kit on a rear and front rack and a small saddle bag - 1 maybe 2 tshirts - merino is well worth it as you can wear it in the evening without feeling scummy. Apart from that 1 pair of shorts to wash at night and prepare to get both soaked and baked. Some light flip-flops. A thin fleece. A small thermarest is essential if you are camping. And stay in a hotel every so often if you feel like it.

    Milage on a trip like this is not as hard as you would imagine - what else are you going to do all day? After day 3 you will have found your pace. 100 miles sounds a little bit of a chore though. 60 is about right.
