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Hey VB! Will new members be told this is what is happening to them, when they sign up, and will they be sent through any sort of FAQ, etiquette, type email/link so they can become fully fledged sarcastic, pisstaking members of our forum, without some of the character scorching that has taken place in the past...
hello all
I have a confession to make... I use gears shock I love them. Whether a pine cone one tooth difference or an off-road set for days when Im 'not cycling', I love to zip through them
Currently have five bikes left
Peugeot 653 road bike with 3x8 Campag , Shamals and Spinachi (for the Alps when I get some cash together)
Paganini with Mavic TT rig Campag 2x8
Saracen 531 2x7 for hacking round town (with taped-in bar-end shifters)
Specialised Hard Rock for days when Im not cycling (XT top changers grin)
Claude Butler on the Rollerturbo trainer (which Im not using)
(and various bits.. lots of MA40 wheels etc)I *so *prefer cycling in the rain round my city than being trapped on public transport.
sorry should have quoted so you know what I am responding to
I might be up for that.. will it be a chain gang or mixed ability?