Member since Dec 2009 • Last active Jan 2010Most recent activity
I'm going to have a go at building myself a bike, either to use in winter/as a singlespeed depending on what sort of frame i can find
i currently ride a 52cm scott cr1 pro and am 5 ft 4, so i think anything from about 48 - 52/3cm would be ok.
I can get a frame and forks powdercoated for £40 (so condition of paint etc isnt a problem), and as i dont know how good i'll be at this building lark it needs to be really cheap!
thanks -
If I can hop on this thread as well..
I am looking for a small frame (I ride a 52 scott contessa CR1) so 49-52 would be good.
Looking for something cheap, that can be posted to sheffield/newastle.. Plan to get it powdercoated so condition of paint wouldnt be a problem. Building as a winter hack..
wonder if anyone can help?? -
xRJx frame is too big - has anyone else got one lying around? I've tried a few recycling places but theres nothing small