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I'm quite surprised to find absolutely no posts on either of these two hubs (okay, I know its a single speed forum)
But has anyone had any experience in these?
I going to get one of them but cannot decide between them, and the only way to decide is to talk with people who have had first hand experience.
Basically the S2 is a 2 geared freewheel hub - so would need a rear and front rim brake.
The S2C is a 2 geared hub with coaster brake - so will only require a front rim brake.
What are coasters like? And would it be safer to go for the S2 with a rear rim brake (albeit about £20 more altogether).
Nick -
Register, click workshop, click random bike and enjoy all the anti porn you can handleI think this is great?! You get car configurators, so why not bikes?
You get the bike built to how you want, albeit brand new, but thats what some people want. It could do with some further improvements graphically but the idea is sound.
Plus, they are delving even further into a relatively fresh market. Massive thumbs up from me. I won't be buying one, however. I don't have the money :-)