Avatar for DaveL


Member since Nov 2009 • Last active Jun 2017
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  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
    Avatar for DaveL

    OK, so, in summary, a 3-speed fixie is a lot of fun, but dangerous at junctions?

    One thought I had is that, since there's a lot of force on the rear forks when one is cranking up,
    presumably, if they aren't perfectly rigid, they'll flex a tiny bit, thus effectively lengthening the cable relative to the gearbox,
    thus possibly popping you into neutral.

    Does that make sense?

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
    Avatar for DaveL

    In a similar vein, hitting green lights all the way going north over Blackfriars Bridge and getting close to 30mph on the uphill bit of Farringdon Street just before Smithfield.

    Somehow, the mostly-downhill journey home just ain't as much fun, even if it's a lot faster.

    ... and smoked mushrooms ... and Booja Booja vegan "ice cream" ... and asparagus and ...

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
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    Smoked mushroom and pea risotto ... ginger braised cabbage ...

    Banana fritters in sesame batter with golden syrup afterwards if I'm not asleep by then.

  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
    Avatar for DaveL

    I notice that there's been a big silence about the S3x for a while.

    Is that because it's so great that everyone is too blissed out riding it to post here,
    or is it so bad that the people who've got one are embarrassed to admit it?

    In other words, has anyone actually used an S3X in anger for a long time, and how was it for you?

    I'm thinking of getting one, but as back wheels seem to be the bane of my life and I'm no lightweight, I'm worried about getting a mashed set of epicyclics AND a dented rim:-(.


  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
    Avatar for DaveL

    Damn. Missed it: when's the next one?

    Supper club I meant: sounds fun!

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
    Avatar for DaveL

    Damn. Missed it: when's the next one?
