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Point taken.
Sorry to cause offence, I was shaken up by the boy cycling off the pavement in front of my car and disappointed by my friend (a very experienced cyclist) jumping the red light on the same day I was sent an unsolicited email about the death and made an ill judged connection.
I did not say or imply anything about the accident, only about the two examples I witnessed myself last saturday.
I've been cycling on main roads for 31 years on the same bike so my sympathy is naturally with the cyclists.
But my sympathy is waining.
Thinking of the sad death of a cyclist reported in Bishopsgate today, I am reminded of a good friend of mine who I saw storming through a red light on an expensive bike today, and of the 14 year old who cycled into the road from the pavement on Saturday without lowering his hood to see what was coming.
I stopped my car to save him from hospital and he literally never even saw me before during or after.
Something in the culture of cycling is contributing to some of the accidents.
As you say that would be idiotic. And its not what I think.
Safe and happy cycling to you.