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Member since Oct 2009 • Last active Oct 2009
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  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
    Avatar for MahandraMegaDeath

    The headset cups may not be the exact same diameter as the internal diameter of the headtube.
    You may be able to force the headset cups into the gap but this is not good for the frame.

    Forcing the cups into the frame could stretch, sounds silly, but you cold stretch or cause the steel/aluminiuim to crack. These maynot be visible to the eye and over time will increase with riding. You could also fuck the headset.

    I dont have the expensive tools so I use a half round and some rough wet'n'dry to just relive and bumps and surface layer of the frame. Headset can be fitted with out smashing the shit out of it with a block of wood and rubber mallet.
