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Member since Oct 2009 • Last active Mar 2014
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    Correct... I used his drawing as my follow up comment, but should have added that these are I.D. Measurements

    Is that the internal measurement only; ie. within the interior of the shackle?

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    For the Evolution Series 4 Disc lock dims;

    Shackle dimensions: 2.1” (H) x 1.8” (W) : (54mm (H) x 48mm (W)

    anyone know what that measurement is?

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    noticed this is asda earlier, looks like a rebranded On guard for cheaps?

    This is not made by OnGuard, This is a Bell USA model that they sold into MASS Mkt stores [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Bell-Catalyst-Security-System-Black/dp/B003OB7DUM"]Amazon.com: Bell Catalyst U Lock Bike Security System (Black): Sports & Outdoors[/ame]

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    Thanks for the mini fahg advice guys.
    Don - I didn't have any dry lube so I cleaned it up and threw a small bucket of wet lube at it. Very satisfying mechanics now.

    OK that will help for sure !!. If you get the chance on the next re-lube and have the ability to use the Teflon DRY, let me know what you think. FYI...All Kryptonite locks will come from the factory with Finish Line Teflon DRY coated inside starting this fall!

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    I've had the mini fahg for about 5 months. Recently it has started getting really stiff when trying to unlock. Is there a particular reason for this? It's rarely in the rain so I don't think it's rust.
    I've dripped a bit of wet lube into it. Will this help or was that an awful idea for the internal lock mechanics?

    Chung. Just like a car, you need to change the oil, so for a lock it sounds like its time ot change the oil. If you do not have some in your tool kit, go get Finish Line DRY Teflon Lube in the black/red bottle and give the lock some new life. This Finish Line DRY Teflon Lube is going to make that Mini Fahgettaboudit sing. First be sure you clean with a rag any of the old lube dirt and grime off the shackle and inside the deadbolt area. Then lube. Follow up with this every 3 months or so and the lock is going ot function perfectly- Don

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    thanks don. Very helpful as usual.

    n.p !

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    Just received the Fag from Parker International which is listed as the place to buy it at the start of this thread. However, there was no key replacement, no light key instructions and no insurance paperwork inside. There's also no code printed on the large key. Both my other Kryptonite locks have a number printed on the large key and are also a different shape. Is this legit? Is this what the keys are like for this lock? I don't think the key replacement programme is used in the UK so that doesn't matter. I also won't be using the insurance as I'm not too worried about this thing being broken into. But I just want to know that the lock is the real thing and won't fail on me. It seems to lock exactly the same.

    Here's the keys:

    This is a New York Fahgettaboudit Mini, so no issue there. Strange that the lock would have come to you in that way missing the support docs. If I look at the photos, I see that there is a small metal tag that will have the key-code stamped into it. New York Series D-Lock's have the code stample on a metal tag, instead of the keys.
    Register your key code on-line @ https://www.kryptonitelock.com/Pages/KeyRegistration.aspx
    Replacement is legit, we support all key replacement from the US, so if you loose a key or two, for $12 USD you can get (2) new cut keys to your code you registered. This can also be done on-line with a CC.
    I will try to email you the lighted key insert and the main insert that would have come with the New York Fahgettaboudit Mini, so you can have the details and decide if the 1 year Free ATPO works for you.
    If any ? come up contact our CS team @ kryptonite@irco.com

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    twofish have had something very similar for quite some time.


    ammar- Yes, they have been selling their rubber craddle for sometime. What we tried to do was make a better mount for the handlebars. a few differences in the new H-Bar are - The mount is a secured fit with nut and bolt clamp to keep the mount stationary on the handlebars, as a hook-n-loop strap cannot be tightened enough to stop rotation on the bars. The H-Bar supports two points(crossbar & shackle), this stops the lock from swaying right to left when crankin on the pedals. and last you might need to buy 2 version of theirs(small & large), vs. the 2 in 1 H-Bar unit to fit a NYFU and a EV Mini. - Don

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    problem now solve (a bit too much of chain oil done the job ) thank anyway

    Best thing I would recommend you do with your new acquisition is to do a bit of deep cleaning. Especially around the area where the shackle fits into the crossbar, & deadbolt area. Do a degrease with a WD-40 or citrus cleaner. Now as long as the chain oil is not like a philwood or oil based your good. See Reg. oil oozes and collects grit, no good in a lock. A “wax based” lube like Finish Line Teflon Dry is awesome stuff to use and really deflects moisture, grit and corrosion. Add a bit of a drop to those parts every 2-3 months to fill it up. Try and grab some of this- Don

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    "The new mini"

    Hope that doesn't mean they'll be ditching the "old" one...

    DFresh- No way would we ditch the Evolution Mini's (5,7,9), these continue. These 2 new series of chains < EVS4(10mm) & KLS2(9mm) >will have this new style of a Mini brought into a chain. 55cm lengths makes these act like a 3.5" x 7.5" shackle dim, so just a bit more than a Mini-7, but the flex it give around some objects instead of a rigid bar makes it work really well. - Don
