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Member since Oct 2009 • Last active Jun 2011
  • 2 conversations

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  • in Rides & Races
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    Anyone know what pubs are showing the tour de France this weekend?? Preferablearound east London =P

  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
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    i need some bottom bracket advice

    my bearing shattered on my bottom bracket which is an old style raleigh bb lose bearings type like this http://www.freemanscycles.co.uk/bicycle-parts/bottom-brackets/raleigh-bottom-bracket-set.html

    i wanted to upgrade it to a nice new sealed bb my shell is 68mm but the old spindle is 140 mm would a 68mm x 110 bb fit or should i opt for the 126 ?? i was also goig to buy a new chain set as the old one was a cottered double chainring im using the inside 39t chainring at preset which seems to give a nice chain line its just clearance/chain line issues im worried about =S


  • in Freestyle & Tricks
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    hi im looking to build a trick fixie at the moment im riding a falcon fixie conversion and its not holding up well to the abuse im putting it through nothing to major just hoping a few stairs the odd wheelie that sort of thing i try to hold back on the the old boy but i want to get more into trick riding, i was thinking of going for a steamroller frameset or a volume thrasher, im leaning more towards the surly as i used to ride a surley pacer until it got nicked =C would a steamroller be up to the job ?? or should i go for the thrasher ??

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    elteclub? Sadly, many of my friends and acquaintances actually use that phrase, when they had meant Health Club. Interestingly, these associates are all from one country.

    Nevermind. The point greaser_tony, is that if you're on here writing stuff, it means you can read also. There is a multitude of answers to the questions that you have posed. Use The SEARCH function (UTFS) please, because no-one here will have the time nor inclination to hold your hand, and answer what has already been answered.......or is most painfully obvious from the simplest of Google Searches.

    If you won't make a bit of effort to find out the answers, apart from just asking outright, then initial good grace toward you, would vanish in short order.

    Do yourself and others here a favour - ask questions that you cannot easily find the answer for.....then we will help.

    supereaglesfanwholivesinafreeman(s)ion ;)

    ok point taken sorry. was just seeking a lil insite from you guys on here ..

    im personally from a bmx backround and only have bicycle knowlege in that area hence the ''basic questions''

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    greaser_tony +/= Yousougly = utterwasteoftimewhywouldanyonebotherwithsuchanarse

    your the arse why start a thread about otp bikesa then comp-lain when ppl post questions about otp


    mate its fixed gear bikes not the free masions

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    and also a decent shop in london i could go to for a otp

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    the 'freestyler' plug get badly slated because of how it look, but the bike itself is fine, it's a decent bike.

    thanks that put my mind at rest i was going to go for the galvanized 2010 one

    was just wondering if you guys could suggest any other decent otp bikes for around the same price as the plug?? just so i got a few other choices i can think about

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    hi im looking to get an otp fixed gear, coming from a bmx backround i really dont have a clue about track frames, i was going to go for a charge plug freestyler but saw how badly they got slated on here and it gave me second thoughts on shelling out the 500 notes for one ..any suggestion on what to get would be great =D
    i basically want something i can jump down a few stairs on wheelie about and not worry about breaking it, hence why i was going to opt for the plug freestyler
