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sometimes if the tyre isn't seated properly and there's a gap for the inner tube to force it's way out of it can start wobbling then BANG as it explodes
or if the rim is a bit knackered and you put a bit too much pressure in it can force the tyre off gradually
This must have been what happened. I replaced the tyre about two weeks ago and it's a bit thinner than ideal for my rim. Suprised it could do this with properly inflated tyres.
- Adds spare inner tube to that collection of bits in the bottom of bike bag -
- Adds spare inner tube to that collection of bits in the bottom of bike bag -
Yeah, on my Kona - relatively skinny rims with 2.3 tyres, neglected to check tyre pressures - landed a small jump a bit sideways and off it rolled.
Also, riding without a tyre is surprisingly bearable on a smooth road.
Yeah, this was on the Walworth road. They've just resurfaced for the Olympics, but only in sections. The bits they've left are awful
Happened to me last night, and I wouldn't recommend. First I knew about it was a thwump thwump thwump, and then a bang as the inner tube went, as it would.
Turns out part of my tyre had come off the rim, so the inner tube popped out the other side. Luckily I was going in a straight line at the time. Reckon I must have pushed it off by skidding sideways too much at the lights about a minute beforehand, but it seems a bit bizarre.
Anyone else had a similar experience?
Bike officers are not primarily charged with 'chasing down' people. One of the main purposes of bike-based policing is a fast response time to the scene of a crime. Police also work in teams, and if someone needs chasing (which police are often reluctant to do owing to the resultant risk to the public), you can be sure that there will be officers in the squad capable of picking up the baton.
That makes sense to me and I would agree that this is a sensible use of cops on bikes. Those I saw today though did seem set up to chase people down - the girl I mentioned was lurking in an alley out of sight and ready to go.
It was their dim plan which I originally found amusing:
having someone who didn't look the quickest, on a bike which was clearly not designed for speed, with the aim of chasing down people going through red lights in the middle of the day (probably couriers).
I wasn't 'laughing at a fat girl' as seems to have been assumed; she wasn't that big. Having someone slightly stocky just added to the overall impression of a daft plan.