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Member since Oct 2009 • Last active Oct 2009
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    Has anyone seen this film - God's Children - about a group of vigilante bike bait activists in Arizona?
    YouTube - God's Children

    Has anyone heard of people in the UK doing something similar?

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    Hi all,
    Thanks for your comments. Just a note, I am towards the start of this project and the point of the thread was to go in broad and call out for helpful people to come forward and share some info. The precess obviously becomes narrower as it goes on. These forums are an invaluable resource to get the word out, and work alongside all the traditional tools of journalism and documentary research. It was from reading a string of posts on alternative threads that I approached the fgss admin for permission to post this one.
    I live close to Brick Lane and am no stranger to bike theft. And because of a relationship with a bike fanatic, nor am I complete stranger to bike culture. BUT, I do think it's quite a closed world and that it's important to speak as many people as possible in it to get leads and threads. I really appreciate those who've messaged me in this respect.
    I will be down on Brick Lane on Sunday with a researcher, so if anyone is heading over there, they should PM me and I can arrange.
    For a bit of background info. I'm a producer with October Films, one of the UK's most respected and well-established documentary production companies. A little more information can be found here www.octoberfilms.co.uk

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    Hi all,

    I'm working on a documentary about cycle theft for a national broadcaster. I'd like your input, just for research purposes at first.

    I'm looking at several bike theft hotspots. Obviously Brick Lane and the surrounding area, also Bristol, Oxford, Edinburgh.

    If anyone would like to share their thoughts, they should PM me or post on this thread.

    Have you had your bike stolen and gone to extremes to retrieve it? What was the response if you reported it?
    Are there local hotspots I should be looking at?
    Are there characters in the trade I should be aware of?
    What are some of the tactics employed by thieves to steal even the most secured bike?

    I look forward to your responses.
