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Member since Oct 2009 • Last active Dec 2010
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  • in Bikes & Bits
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    I think theres been alot of red meat consumption by some people on here chill out...(it cant be good for your blood pressure) Yes i read that but i was wondering if any one was on 150s or less and seeing how it effected there gain with wheelieing etc.. bmx style cranks..


  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for Yousougly

    looked through a few threads and couldnt find anything that indicates what crank length most fixie/trick riders were using.
    as i have currently got a 165 but still get slight toe overlap when trying to barspin and sharp corners etc.. any suggestions on what size i could be using? thanks.

  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
    Avatar for Yousougly

    when buying my bike to restore i came across the same problem.. i just used a blow torch to heat up the frame making sure you dont let the metal go red but it seems to ease it out. only try this if your thinking of getting a re-spray also as the paint does not take kindly to the heat.

  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for Yousougly

    Come on lighten up a touch... i thought it would raise a few oppinions tho..
    We all know that theres hundereds of people out there that stumble across a few fixie videos on vimeo and ask daddy to buy them a bike. or are eating bagels down bricklane and see it as the latest trend to get into..

    i agree you shouldnt buy a bike on its gear ratio but.. i already have chain rings and cogs of that ratio they sell on the otp and if im going to buy a complete i dont want to spend a extra 50 pound on top for a chainset and cog then maybe find out my cranks dont fit or need to buy extra chain links etc..

    after reading alot of posts i would asume there is no great winner sitting around the £500 for a otp, as it just seems to be down to ownership of a bike or a personal taste for every good comment on a bike i read theres about 5 negative wich has left me with great confusion.

    and as for this question i think you answered it yourself..
    Who pushes their bike around in front of their mates? probably on Broadway Market while they shop for ill-fitting vintage check shirts and deck shoes?

    Sorry to talk so much in a post and this thread is actually a very helpfull thread would like to thankyou for spending your time putting it together. i know i probably come across arrogant but its all in good humour.. sobs

  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for Yousougly

    I think what people really want to know is..

    What OTP bike can they get with minimal modification to the bike that can..
    a) Do a few tricks on
    b) Feel good to ride through traffic on
    c) look like a flashy twat infront of there mates
    d) and all round abuse knowsing there frame or forks wont snap

    Can anybody help? as i two am looking for the same after building my own bike and snapping the frame as it was only some cheap spanish racer and i liked to think it was a Bmx a few things im looking at..

    seems like my choice but not sure on shipping and gear ratio etc £460

    Every one seems to hate as its heavy but comes with a good gear ratio.. £460

    Not sure on the aluminum for durability and would get rid of the chek patturn £400

    Dont really like initial gear ratio and colour scheme is garish £350.00

    Any help is appreciated even some more options to look at would be welcomed..
