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Member since Sep 2009 • Last active Aug 2010
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    Had my Genesis Flyer ss nicked over xmas. Handily work have just signed up to cyclescheme so able to buy a new bike discounted. However, moved house now and have to go up and down Muswell Hill/Crouch Hill/Ally pally which is a pain with ss so going to have to get a geared bike. I like the look of the Genesis Aether 10 apart from the sloping top tube, anyone able to suggest something similar with a flat top tube? Or anything better for around £600. (Has to be bought new for cycle scheme discount, my ebay days are over)

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    Avatar for tris1983

    STOLEN from Holborn Circus my bright green 2009 genesis flyer. Almost still in off the peg condition, just got some padded black bar tape on it (as opposed to original white) and one pedal has had the reflector cracked off it. Slim to zero chance of this turning up but thought it couldn't hurt to mention. Thought I'd see hundreds of these bikes knockling about but not as popular as I expected and does stand out being luminous green. Will obviously be scouring gumtree/ebay. Ta
