Avatar for binary_★


Member since Sep 2009 • Last active Mar 2011
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  • in Bike Polo
    Avatar for binary_★

    Thanks Khornight2, do you know what time it usually runs until, I doubt I could get there before 7.30 :(

  • in Bike Polo
    Avatar for binary_★

    Ermm, is the beginners' coaching thing still going on at Peckham Multistory carpark Level 5? What time is it on? I saw 6.30-7 but then one or two were on from 7.30pm. Sorry if it's been dropped/changed, there are 24 pages in this thread and I'm keen but not that keen...yet.

  • in General
    Avatar for binary_★

    This thread has made me literally cry with laughter...

    As for the guy with the american football helmet and tiny shorts... he works in my company, I'll get a picture of him and his bike, it's a normal sized mountain bike, but I can see how it would look like a brompton with him on it!

    Friendly enough... I'd defo rather fight him than the banshee...

    See this guy regularly. Do you know him well enough to ask him to get better fitting shorts? Or a longer t-shirt...?
