Avatar for Emily_Kane


Member since Sep 2009 • Last active Dec 2009
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    It is a nice one but too big for me!

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    We are selling our raleigh pista pro with the fork, bottom braket , stem and the chain .

    for £80

    You can look at the picture on my blog :


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    1. Velocio
    2. ladystardust
    3. DMCZone
    4. Jacqui
    5. Big Red
    6. mc_nebula
    7. Oliver Schick
    8. Zane Chaos
    9. Spudge
    10. Lileth
    11. LaLiLuLeLo
    12. braker
    13. villa-ru
    14. SnoHoHoHowy
    15. D. Generate
    16. jcgarcia
    17. joe smith
    18. Bernie
    19. Santa Cleft
    20. Plastic Pedals
    21. hillbilly
    22. miss_socks
    23. Kirth
      Twenty Five. Sparky
    24. snowbody
    25. Dan-cer, Prancer, Donner, Blitzen etc.
    26. Xmashineisbored
    27. Psy
    28. Slaytanic1 (will try not to smash my hand open at this one)
    29. party_paul
    30. BlueChristmas
    31. deckthetreeze
    32. mjs110
    33. mmccarthy
    34. Max
    35. S4NT4
    36. hael_mary
    37. d14vd_h
    38. Edmundro
    39. mincepie
    40. NurseHolliday
    41. V
    42. dogsballs (promise no mankini)
    43. the Skully and the ivy
    44. Speedball
    45. gormley
      49 & 50. Roxy & Mike
      51 huge16
      52 Emily Kane Loonis
      53 Jonas Kane Loonis
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    Avatar for Emily_Kane

    I heard through the grapevine that it will be @ 14

    And next wednesday is Tokyo Fixed shop launch party

    6 pm – 9 pm

    4 Peter St (off Berwick St)
    London, W1F

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    Avatar for Emily_Kane

    Bonjour everyone!
    I can't describe how mental I was a few hours ago when my boss gave me a call saying my bike was locked up down the road from the office!
    Robofoxx went through a massive process of calming me down, printing pictures of my bike and go there with me!

    So yeah we've got the bike back... finally!

    Thanks to everybody's advice! and help, support lalalalalala... well, yeah I sound completally gay but I dont care what I sound like!

    I'm on the french forum as I am french and easier to interact with my friends but I realize how great we are to help eachother,
    but yeah today has been a fine example of what the fixed gear community is like in England.

    Merci beaucoup

    See you all soon

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    ps: sano thanks for putting this picture of me strangling the mother f**** who stole them!


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    Merci to everyone, I'm now registered on london fixed gear, so i guess that's the good news of the day!!the bad news... those two bikes are very much missed.

    Rich mix is supposed to be safe for your bikes. we had shitty locks. and its technically our fault. but what a strange world. and yes there is CCTV but they cant see the bike park from their angle. pointless CCTV. doesnt surprise me to be honest...

    thanks for looking for those bad boys.
