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@Mechamorgan I couldn't agree more.
I went in Bristol, my neck still hurts.
I would encourage everyone to get at these tickets.
Are there no fans of misanthropic sludge on the forum?
Here's the official event listing: -
Disregard the content of this post. The offer has been withdrawn. I'm going off-line for the rest of the night.
TWO TICKETS for tonight's EYEHATEGOD gig at The Garage in Highbury/Islington.
I paid 19.50 a piece (17.00 + 2.50 service) for them.
You can have both for 17 quid.
If you want them, drop me a private message. They're e-tickets, so I'll e-mail them to the buyer immediately after receiving payment via PayPal (gift) or bank transfer.
Offer withdrawn.