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Member since Aug 2009 • Last active Sep 2009
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    I work in a bike shop with a fair amount of old parts lying around. Could have a look for you.

    Yes please do! When i had it measured in a bike shop with some caliphers it came out as 23.8mm however most people seem to ask for 24.0mm (never seen a post about 23.8) so either one will work I guess.

    You would really be helping me out. My old seatpost incl. saddle was nicked because it was quick release. They even nicked the quick release bit of the front wheel (wing-nut) but I had put the lock around the wheel so I got to keep it. I put some normal nuts and bolts in the front now and am riding around Bristol without a saddle looking for this seatpost!

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    Avatar for kasbah

    I am also looking for one of these elusive seatposts (I believe its 23.8 but i see alot more people asking for 24.0 so i will go with either). Can anyone help me?

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    Avatar for kasbah

    I am in a smiliar situation. I am also looking for a 24.0mm or 23.8mm seatpost for an old peugeot. I live in Bristol so i have no decathlon close by. Can someone help me out?
