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Member since Aug 2009 • Last active Sep 2009
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  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
    Avatar for theboybarker

    It's possible to save the stem but it'll be tricky and you might be better off biting the bullet and sawing off the stem.

    If you drill out the head of the stem bolt sufficient to allow the bolt to be freed you will have removed some of the stem material, you'll have to measure afterwards to find out how much you've removed as a percentage of the whole to decide if the stem can be saved.

    Anyway, drill out the head of the bolt, then using a centre punch tap the bolt to break the grip of the quill, it should then be free to be pulled out.

    It's probably not the sort of thing you'd attempt by hand as the broken key socket will force the drill bit off centre.

    Good luck

  • in Complete bikes and frame & forks
    Avatar for theboybarker

    If your buyer fails to show, that is.

  • in Complete bikes and frame & forks
    Avatar for theboybarker

    Will you take £150 for the lot as is?
