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Member since Aug 2009 • Last active Feb 2021
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    The guy selling the 753 T has the wheels to match and they got no bids the other day, I think this is the re-list


    I would never get this past the Missus......

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    But then anyone could join!!!

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    +1, I agree. There's defo a groundswell of people going for pretty old road bikes, following on from the retro-track fixed-wheel look. Isn't scoble getting geary? He must be a pretty good barometer of bike fashion

    Will there be a new forum?

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    Hello again, introduced myself earlier and now, as promised, I have got the photos of my rides. I welcome any comments about the ss as it is my first go at making one, and I did set myself a limit of £100 (excluding tyres, consumables don't count in my book). The eagle eyed among you will note that I am still running a block at the back, this is just until I work out the best gear for the area.

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    I'm loving this. I got sent a whole load of images from the TDF and this was among them. The rest of them are here if you are interested; http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2009/07/2009_tour_de_france.html![](file:///Users/yardersmj/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems/moz-screenshot-2.png)

  • in Current Projects
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    I was told that Miche could be an alternative to campag in some instances, but it sounds like its not the best. I am building up a SS from a bike bought on ebay and it came with campag cassette hubs. I can't seem to find a cog that will fit, they all seem to be shimano pattern and I am trying to avoid buying new wheels as it would blow my budget. Any thoughts?

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    Think I may have cracked the piccie thing. Attached/below is my geared steed, a Raleigh 753 team bike from the early 90's. I couldn't bring myself to single speed it, and any excuse for a new bike! I'll post the rest of the stable when I have finished my little project (although I may need a little help in the drive dept).

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    I've been trying to upload a pic or two but I am not really a techno geek, prefer oily bits, you know where you stand with them. I tried the search but don't seem to be getting anywhere. Is it because I Mac? Or that I'm a bit thick with fingers like pigs tits? Anyhoo, if there is an easy way to get my mug and wheels on, please let me know, cheers.

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    is that the one about silly questions? And thanks for the abuse, it means so much,

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    I was expecting the usual new boy savaging and nada! I want to feel welcome before I start picking the collective brain. I also didn't want to post 3 crappy arrival posts, i.e.

    1. I have a bike
    2. It has no gears
    3. Can I post stuff now?

    Maybe its just because its early in the week.....
