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Member since Aug 2009 • Last active Feb 2010
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  • in Manchester
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    Exactly. Four blokes taking a bike each and no vehicle for the police to check the number plate. It's the sheer fu**ing gall of it that beggars belief. Steal four bikes under the CCTV camera then come back the following day and do the same again.

  • in Manchester
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    I work at City Tower in Piccadilly Gardens and in the last two days we have had eight (8!) bikes stolen from the bike area on the car deck. All were locked and have had the locks cut by bolt cutters. The bikes range from a £1500 road bike to a ladies mountain bike so no apparent genre. I'm not a victim and I am immeasurably pleased that the Bowery is in the garage and that I am using the winter hack, but it still makes you very angry.

    Although captured on CCTV on both days (Tuesday and Wednesday) the offenders are only described as four males in dark clothing carrying, bolt cutters and possibly a crow bar. Any information that you may come across would be gratefully appreciated.

  • in Manchester
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    Nes, Great little evening last night. Thanks for putting it on.

  • in Manchester
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    Bit of a theme here. Maybe it's the paying monkeys peanuts scenario. Clearly not the brightest of employees are they.

  • in Manchester
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    Had a similar issue on Lower Moseley Street last week. Bus driver blasted his horn forcing me into the left hand lane when I wanted to turn right by Deansgate Locks, then parks over the cycle box to ps me off and thought it was very big and clever to mouth fk off at me when I questioned his motives. The worst part as you say is that you get angry at yourself for not doing anything about it. Have done previously in Bolton but it was more aggravation than it was worth. Did get an apology though.

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    Talbot Road at Stretford.
    Must be the season for road repairs.....apart from when half the country is dug up every February so that the local authority can spend it's road budget before the 31st March!

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    I do 24 a day to and from Manchester on a fg 42/17. I think the advice about picking a gear and giving it a go is a damm good idea. I've just rebuilt an abandoned unloved Ridgeback MTB which I used last week. Bizarrely I found that I couldn't get used to gears again and left it in one gear, not to mention the free wheel. Frightened the life out of me when the pedals didn't go round on their own!

    BTW, was feeling very sorry for myself on the ride in this morning: driving rain, six foot wide puddles and the masses back to work after the school hols when I had my "this is why I do this moment". Riding on the other side of the road past 100 meters of standing traffic, nipping in front of a white van as the temporary lights changed to green and sensing his frustration as he revved the arse of his his transit because I wouldn't let him pass! Cue nice warm, feeling-very-worthy moment.

  • in General
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    In Manchester our Winter is a slightly wetter version of Summer. Think yourselves lucky you have a warm dry season to discard items!
