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I am the mother of the injured cyclist. Funny thing is that I saw the post saying that you directed me here on here...haven't seen it on the other thread yet.
My daughter does not have any internal injuries. Her pelvis is fractured and the doctors are trying to decide whether surgery is necessary. We'll know more later.
The man who stopped the truck responded to my post on another forum and I saw that this morning while I was talking on the phone with my daughter. We were both able thank this man for saving her life. The internet is truely amazing!
hi all. it's me, mandy, the cyclist run over by the cement lorry writing from the hospital. just wanted to say a couple things:
--thank you for saving my life, man who stopped the lorry.
--thanks for everyone else's well wishes
--i would never commute along this stretch with my daughter-- i usuallly take her south to her nursery. we go everywhere by bicycle and my husband has a cargobike Lilly rides in too.
--happy to provide more details later if anyone wants, when i have access to something better than this hospital thingy to type on.
thanks again