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Member since Aug 2009 • Last active Aug 2009
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    I cant stand some of those abreviations, sensible people need to come up with some new ones, ones that actually reflect the responce of the reader. For example; STS = smirked to self (something that was funny but did not warrent a laugh)
    I mean who actually Laughs Out Loud to everything that is even remotely funny, and how exactly does one laugh ones ares/ass off? Some one please enlighten me.
    And as for FFS if something is really getting on your nerves it helps to actually use the word F%*k to emphisise ones distaste.

    Rant over!

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    If humans were ment to learn to spell, dictionaries would not have been invented...and then replaced by PC spell checkers.

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    mmmm meat, gaaaaahhh -drools- (Homer Simpson impression)

    No sorry, spelling is atrotious.....? (Really really bad!)

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    Ah i get it, soz still thought i was being spoken at.

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    Nice ride buzz... rims?

    buzz rims? Eh?

  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
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    The correct tools and proper application of strength wins the day (a proper socket wrench with an old pair of forks over the end as opposed to an adjustable spanner and a hammer) the BB is out. In removing it I found a fatal floor "for cross country use only, not for Downhill or jumping" (I dont think I could have treated it any worse)

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    there's this bad boy

    That is just pure awesomeness in the form of ally, might consider it on my jump bike.

    Once again...WOW

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    fill it up with water and suds, find a sweet stair set (30-40) ride down the stairs, rinse and repeat until you achieve you level of freshness

    *save time put your laundry/dishes in too!

    Love it!!!! What an idea :P

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    it makes me laugh you’d have to take your belt off to smack someone and by then your baggsy shorts have fell down, its classic.

    Ah that is an amussing set of images, I can imagine it as a comic strip. Any artistic types on here wanna give it a try or am I just being a bit sad.

    Continuing with the ongoing pun that is Ironsloths photo, the entire picture is an oxymoron (i think that is correct) the flowery table cloth, the cusioned chairs, the chandelier (top right) against the tatoos, knuckle dusters and peaked cap.

    I hope you don't mind Ironsloth but I'm quite easily entertained by such thing. :D

  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
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    Didnt mean any offence, but Im serious some people just get unlucky with stuff, a friend of mine paid the world for his Funn F2 terrain brakes with the CF levers and he has nothing but trouble with them. So i guess that is the exception that prooves the rule, but normally I would agree with you; 'you do get what you pay for.
