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2.35 on caustic and getting fat on your ass eating biscuits and then having to repaint the bottom part of the frame to complete a half baked job, surely bicycle restoration would require a mechanical approach as you initially tried to attempt but failed. I am unable to give my customers this kind of service as they would lynch me for wrecking there frame. I employ the caustic treatment for unseizing parts on tractors and other farm machinery parts, its also good for stripping paint off doors. Rethreading is not part of the process but cleaning it with a thread tap is. The three counties are, nocausticshire, nopaintshire and imethebolloxshire. BB brackets should be checked for seizing on the threads every year and it is agood idea to keep this area clean, as afterall it is in the direct line of road filth. They should also be fitted with copperslip on the thread
I cant guess how many bottom brackets ive removed in the past for bike shops in the three counties, hundreds, and i make good money at it. There is no need to use caustic or penetrating oil and it only takes about half an hour if it is brutally seized. All one needs to have is the right tools. The removal tools that one buys from cycle shops are only any good for moderatly seized brackets and they seem to be designed to strip all of the teeth out when any overload is exerted on them. One problem with bottom bracket design is that the teeth are never deep enough. After i remove an old bb i also clean out the threads with a thread tap(left and right). Anyone out there want to challenge me? ime up for it.
any joy on payment