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There's a 1:500 scale model of the area in China. For some reason, this is slightly unnerving.
No deal with the Tories will have any meaningful impact on the DUP base.
There's no way in hell SF are going to take their seats. Remains to be seen how the SDLP would view a Corbyn administration. There's still the potential of 2 Alliance seats- Belfast East and (less likely) Belfast South. They could be lumped in with the LibDems.
Of course no-one should rule out Farron going in with the Conservatives again.
Worth taking Northern Ireland seats into consideration in a hung parliament. 18 seats with 8 DUP, 2 UUP, 1 independent unionist who could be expected to back the Tories. 3 SDLP who could back a Labour minority government. 4 Sinn Fein who follow an abstentionist policy so they'll go nowhere. I expect a load of nonsense talked tonight about that. There are a few potential changes to that total which could have an effect either way.
This may end up being something to take into consideration or it might not. It'll be a long night.
There is less chance of a border poll than Sinn Fein are making out. It suits them politically- especially with the prospect of another election in the north- but they must understand the numbers aren't on their side at the moment.
Also, there seems to be little or no appetite in the Republic. The main parties aren't interested and there isn't a significant popular movement lobbying from below.
I haven't tried them, but Prendas do these:
They also do oversocks which I have tried and they're great for days when overshoes are too much- although they have negligible aero qualities if you're after marginal gains. Two pairs for £15 on the multi saver deal means you don't have to worry about wear and tear.
Hi. Did the messenger sell?