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Member since Jul 2009 • Last active Mar 2016
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    Last Sunday Brick Lane crawling with police and pcso taking frame nos from gen pop! Chinese guy got searched previous week - for snide DVD's not stolen bike parts.

    Other stall to check for mysteriously cheap parts of unknown origin is the first stall on the left in the right hand compound second entrance.

    Mr Light Thief yeah he there every Sunday

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    Silver specialized fixie with Aerospoke spotted on murrey grove, I see this scaly riding around all the time on it it's got black bull bars. Was wondering if it belongs to anyone on the forum. The kid who is riding it is some scally always in a gang and always by the shops on murrey grove
    Good luck

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    if your with BT it duz not duh @~?!!@~@

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    On the weekends saw him today

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    There is an old guy who repairs bikes at the entrance too london fields by the Cat and mutton who always has a few cheepies for sale, nice old boy who would probably find you something if you asked him.

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    looks like a tarted up create, with a few stolen parts attached, £900 for a frame is taking the piss.
