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If you do that over 10 days then what distance minimum do you have to ride each day?
Then work out if you can ride that distance everyday AND more importantly if you don't ride that distance on a particular day* can you make it up the next day?
I always plan conservatively and then usually end up getting somewhere earlier than expected or use the extra time for detours/changes of route as I go along. I'd rather do this than not enjoy it because I'm chewing my stem through stupidly long days everyday though.
*due to weather, hills, mechanicals etc.
I've used it whilst cycling in France and Spain so far this year. It's great! I like it as I spend most of my time wildcamping so it's a good way to meet local people in towns/cities. Had some brilliant times with my hosts, everyone so far has been really friendly.
You don't have to pay for it even though they asked for a donation, it was optional.
I can't currently host when I'm in the UK at the moment as I don't really have a home, but if/when I do have somewhere I'll definitely offer my house to give something back.
Oh so it is, whoop! dunno why I thought he was japanese, need to go to sleep.
it look like a student project, he got other stuff in his folder, like his home made bike trailer which look like a definte porn;
That looks just like a copy of a BOB trailer.
Out of context but mountains with panniers is a piece of piss*
*this may not be true.