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Member since Jun 2009 • Last active Jun 2009
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    I turned into my road this evening at the end of my journey home from work. A car was on my tail close behind. Suddenly a black and white cat sprang out from between two parked cars immediately in front of me. I was too close and the car behind too near for me to consider braking suddenly. I hoped it would avoid me. It didn't. I hit it and felt the bumps as first my front wheel and then my rear wheel ran over it. I slowed and allowed the car to pass. I half expected the car to stop but it didn't. I did a U-turn and looked in the road for a feline corpse or at least a trail of blood. There was none. Someone was sitting on a garden wall filling in a form on a clip board. I asked if he had seen a cat. He pointed to a brown one nearby. That was not the one. A young woman on the other side of the street then said that the black and white cat had dashed away as though it had had the mother of all frights. She pointed towards a garden. No blood. No sign of the cat. I rode the last few yards home and inspected my tyres and wheels. No sign of any damage.

    St Paul's Road? Cat didn't make it I'm afraid. Sign stuck to one of the lampposts.
