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Member since Jun 2009 • Last active Jun 2011
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    Love the jersey.. can't quite dig the cost. Nice design!

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    Trying to find a 40-hole clincher rim for a vintage road build, preferably low profile, something like Mavic GP40. And a 36-hole to match, but that's not such a problem.

    Would be overjoyed to hear of anyone with such a rim or rims to sell. Can pick up in London.

    I have a 1986 Bridgestone T700 that I'm looking for a good strong rimset for also. 36 front (easy) 40 rear.. difficult to find. I did find a 40 hole Mavic on eBay, but I'm not quite ready to pay $90 + $15 for it yet. My rims right now are the originals and have between 50 and 60 thousand miles on them. Let me know if anyone contacts you with some 27" 40s.
