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Member since May 2009 • Last active Jun 2009
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  • in Bike Polo
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    Cliff, your 48t chainring and that 22t sprocket will give you a gear ratio of 57.6 gear-inches, which should be a good compromise between a good polo gear and a good road gear.

    In other news, I got home to Calgary last night and then this evening went out for the weekly grass-court polo match. Now I've got bleeding wounds on three of four limbs. Who says only hard-court is hard-core?

  • in Bike Polo
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    Short YouTube - London bike polo
    of two quick goals in succession during our Solstice play.

    My pictures are on Ovi. Just a few, since I only had my phone camera. But if you visit my Ovi album you'll also see pics from our Ramsay Bowl tourney last summer.

    Thanks again for a great day of polo!

  • in Bike Polo
    Avatar for midtoad

    Thanks all for a warm welcome to the Downham polo pitch and for showing me how it's played, North London style. I especially enjoyed taking Mark down in one of the games. (just some friendly rivalry between Albertans and Saskatchewanians there...). I trust my head-over-the-handlebars-nearly-kissed-the-asphalt in my final game was suitable entertainment for the solstice; really, I was just making an offering to the god of pavement on this, the longest day of the year.

    I rode over to the pitch all the way from near Paddington on the canal towpaths, a scenic little route. Soon after I got to the polo pitch, my cousin called to ask where his house keys were, so I got to ride all the way home and then back again (which I did on the road by Kings Cross or it would have taken forever). Then of course there was the ride home too, past all the cricket mayhem at Lords, so it was 40+ km on that little folding bike today.

    I got a few pics and a couple of video clips but I'll wait to see Will's before I decide if I have anything of merit to add.

    thanks again, and you're all welcome to come play with us in Calgary any time. See http://groups.google.com/group/calgarybikepolo?pli=1 for grass-court or http://www.calgarybikepolo.com for hard-court. Some of us play both (the more polo, the better!).


  • in Bike Polo
    Avatar for midtoad

    hi all, I'm in town from Calgary Canada with a bike and my mallet, looking for a little Sunday polo action. Is there going to be game at Downham on Sunday? Please let me know and I'll be delighted to pop around and join in. (Gotta try to remember where I saw the description of where Downham is).
